Current Global Issues

Curriculum Highlights

Although Current Global Issue course content is responsive to what’s happening in the world, the following are some of the essential elements and experiences.

Students will learn about and create an infographic

Students will learn about and create an infographic


According to the United Nations, 1 in 10 people in developing regions of the world make less than the international poverty line of $1.90 a day and millions more live on slightly more than that amount. Students will learn about how poverty impacts people’s health, education, life expectancy, happiness, and more.

A model student letter describing global education

A model student letter describing global education


Students will learn about the world’s educational disparities by analyzing facts, statistics, and powerful personal narratives. They will then write a letter that includes what they’ve learned as well as a statement of gratitude and send it to a teacher they admire.

Clouds Over Sidra recounts one refugee’s experience

Clouds Over Sidra recounts one refugee’s experience


Refugees.  Asylum Seekers.  IDPs.  Migrants.  The world’s population is on the move for a variety of reasons and with enormous consequences. Students will create a digital tour that illustrates the journey taken by a refugee and describes their feelings, challenges, and experiences along the way.

Check out this Starz News segment on life in China

Check out this Starz News segment on life in China

Human Rights

While Human Rights are intended to be universal, there are many places around the world were human rights violations are the norm. This project involves case studies of racism, discrimination, religious persecution, child slavery and more in order to create an authentic, student news broadcast.

A model student podcast on the plastic problem

A model student podcast on the plastic problem

Plastic Pollution

Plastic is everywhere but it may surprise you to learn that according to the world economic forum, by 2050 there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish. This project requires students to research the plastic problem, provide potential solutions, and share what they learned by making a podcast.

C-ROADS online simulator helps us measure impact

C-ROADS online simulator helps us measure impact

Climate Change

In this interactive simulation, students will take on the role of a bloc of countries in order to determine what global actions need to take place to combat climate change. When should emissions peak? What should be done about deforestation? How will we pay for it? These and other questions will be discussed as the world can no longer wait for a viable solution.

Our friends from Medellin, Colombia

Our friends from Medellin, Colombia

Mystery Skype

Mystery Skype enables us to connect with classrooms from around the world. The goal of the game is to determine the location of the other classroom by asking a series of yes or no questions. Whichever classroom locates the other one first wins! After our initial game we develop a relationship with this group of students by discussing culture, news, and more!

Is the Green New Deal a good idea?

Is the Green New Deal a good idea?

Socratic Discussions

Developing thinking, listening, and speaking skills is more important now than ever before. Socratic discussions empower students to hold an informed, authentic conversation without adult interference. Topics have included whether or not to build a border wall between the US and Mexico and whether the US should give billions in foreign aid to other nations.

A snippet of one student’s digital portfolio

A snippet of one student’s digital portfolio

Digital Portfolios

Digital portfolios are an amazing tool to document learning over time.  In addition to supporting the development of 21st-century skills, they enable students to share our progress with others.  This semester, students will create a digital portfolio that includes the artifacts, key takeaways, and reflections on the learning process.

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“It is in your hands to create a better world for all those who live in it.”

-Nelson Mandela